
BTN  イギリス ロックダウン

リーディング&リスニング “England Lockdown”

The UK’s Prime Minister is the latest European leader to announce a new lockdown to try to deal with a devastating second wave of COVID-19. We meet some kids in England and find out how they’re coping.

最新のヨーロッパのリーダーである英国の首相は、COVID-19の壊滅的な第二波に対処するための新しい封鎖を発表したです。 イギリスで何人かの子供たちに会い、彼らがどのように対処しているかを調べます。

Hi, my name is Sam, I’m 14 and I live in Sturbridge, England. I’ve been in lockdown with my mum, dad and sister. My mum has a blood cancer called myeloma骨髄腫 which means she’s more likely to catch coronavirus. We’ve been in lockdown for 9 months, but my mum has only left the house to go to hospital or to go to dog walks. During the first lockdown schools shut and we had to do home learning. Now we’re in the second lockdown, schools are open, and me and my sister have very important exams.

However since we’re going to school it means we’re putting our mum at risk so when we get home we have to do a routine. This routine is washing our hands when we get home, washing our phones then going upstairs having a showing and coming down and putting our clothes straight in the wash.

Coronavirus has also affected my normal life restricting me from doing football and boxing because the more people I see the more likelihood I have of transmitting COVID. During the actual time I’ve had due to coronavirus I’ve been doing fundraising. I’ve done a head shave and 15 hours on the XBox as part of my 15 challenges. Our Prime Minister Boris Johnson has recently said that our hospitals are under a lot of pressure in second lockdown.

BORIS JOHNSON, UK PRIME MINISTER: I know how tough this is. For staff in the NHS and care homes who are facing a tough winter on the frontline. For families who can’t meet in the way that they would want to.

I’m quite happy the second lockdown has come around because it releases pressure on the NHS and the hospitals and also helps my mum.

Hi, I’m Mikey, I’m 10 years old and I live in Liverpool in the Northwest of England with my mum, dad and my little brother and sister. Recently our government put Liverpool in tier 3 category because our COVID-19 rate was one of the highest in England. That meant we have had higher restrictions than some other places. It meant we couldn’t socialise with anyone outside our household. In school we have bubbles for each year group so I can’t play with my little brother.

For a while we had a testing centre across the road. I spend most of my time at home playing video games so that I can speak to friends, and I play football, basketball and read a lot of books. I go for walks in our local park with my mum, but we can’t meet anyone else here. I track my step every day to make sure I’m being active.

The whole of England has now been put in lockdown and because Liverpool has high rates of infection, we have been chosen as a city to try mass testing. Up to half a million could be tested, including kids. Lots of people here don’t agree about whether this is a great thing or a bad thing because people are confused about it. I hope it means that Liverpool might be more back to normal by Christmas so we can share this day with family.
